Felix Wang has made sure to make the most of his time at the University of Missouri. The senior will graduate in December with two degrees – English and information technology – as well as the Honors Certificate. Wang also took part in a study abroad experience in Ireland and has participated in multiple undergraduate research projects.
Those accomplishments don’t even include Wang’s involvement in a variety of other clubs and organizations.
“I’ve definitely been able to explore a wide range of interests during my time at Mizzou,” said Wang, who is from St. Joseph, Missouri.
Wang arrived at Mizzou with an interest in both technology and literature. He soon made the decision to pursue both of those passions. Being part of two degree programs allowed Wang to explore numerous avenues and provided him with premier hands-on learning opportunities.

“Once I found out that I could do both degrees and it wouldn’t affect my graduation plan, I jumped on the opportunity,” Wang said. “I’ve had access to a variety of really cool things through both programs. I’m happy I made the decision to pursue both degrees.”
Wang was able to find undergraduate research opportunities in each program. Through the MU College of Engineering, Wang has spent time with the Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems (DCPS) Laboratory and the Collaborative Research Environments for Extended Reality (CREXR) Laboratory. The DCPS Lab, led by Khaza Anuarul Hoque, an assistant professor, is focused on developing theory, methods and tools for supporting modeling, design, and formal verification of highly dependable embedded and cyber-physical systems. Fang Wang, an associate teaching professor, directs the CREXR Lab, which gives students and faculty the ability to transform real-world objects and scenes into components that can be integrated into virtual, augmented and mixed-reality settings.
“My research in both these labs has been very practical and super interesting,” Wang said. “For example, with Dr. Wang, I’ve been able to work on a project that is a nursing simulation, which allows nursing students to train with cardiac attacks. I have also had the opportunity to work with artificial intelligence systems. It’s been truly incredible.”
Wang participated in English research through the Honors Learning-by-Contract program. When no Honors section of a desired class is offered, the Honors College allows students and faculty to work together to transform a non-Honors class into an Honors credit-earning experience through the program. Wang worked with Lee Manion, an associate professor of English and affiliate faculty in the Honors College, on a research paper focused on the Holy Grail’s depiction throughout history.
“Dr. Manion is a fantastic professor, and it was rewarding to work 1-on-1 with him,” Wang said. “I’m really proud of the work I accomplished. It was a great opportunity to take what I was learning in class and expand on it. Honors Learning-by-Contract was a great program that allowed me to explore areas I was interested in and discuss my ideas on a deeper level.”
Along with being involved in Honors Learning-by-Contract, Wang said the Honors courses he took at Mizzou were incredibly interesting. Those courses gave him the chance to explore, too.
“I enjoyed being able to take a wide variety of courses through Honors,” Wang said. “The classes challenged you but were also just a lot of fun. I could study topics that I genuinely cared about, which was exciting for me.”
Wang spent time on the Art of Death research team, too, which is part of the ASH Scholars Program. The Art of Death project allows undergraduate students at Mizzou to normalize conversations about death and dying through the lens of artistic production.
While his research projects kept him plenty busy throughout his time as a Tiger, Wang also found time to participate in stand-up and sketch comedy, as well as improv acting. He was a member of MU’s improv team, Fatt Mottis. Wang was part of Mizzou’s Quizbowl team, too. He was a standing committee member at Mizzou for cybersecurity analysis, acted as the treasurer for MU’s Queer Liberation Front, served as an engineering mentor and was a tutor at the Student Success Center.
“I’ve broadened my horizons on everything I have an interest in,” Wang said. “It’s just been a lot of fun. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great people and get involved in really unique ways.”
As Wang looks toward the future, he said he is hoping to attend law school. He is interested in eventually working in a tech-related legal field.
“I am really excited about the future,” Wang said. “I am hoping to blend my interest in technology with my interest in writing. I was definitely able to develop important skills while at Mizzou. I feel very prepared for my next steps.”