Debora Verniz


Debora Verniz is a researcher in Design and Computation. She completed her PhD in Architecture at The Pennsylvania State University (2020). Her PhD research focused on the development of a framework to plan accessible housing settlements in a mass-customized fashion. She is also a faculty mentor for the interdisciplinary ASH Scholars program for the Art of Death project.

At the University of Missouri, she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architectural Studies where she is also the co-director of the ILab and the Fabrication Lab. Her research interests are shape grammars, parametric/computational design, virtual/immersive/augmented reality, 3D scanning, and rapid prototyping.

Debora is an alumna of the University of São Paulo (Brazil), where she earned her bachelor’s in Architecture and Urban Planning (2009) and her MS in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Technology (2013).