Doug Valentine


Doug Valentine earned his PhD in sociology and his MA in religious studies, both from the University of Missouri. He has a B.S. from Bradley University where he majored in religious studies and psychology. His research and teaching interests include social inequalities, body modification, death & dying, the sociology of education, and the sociology of religion. He previously taught courses in sociology, religious studies, and peace studies at Mizzou and began teaching in the MU Honors College in 2018. He is the recipient of the Green Chalk Teaching Award through the MU College of Arts & Science (2012, 2017), the Irma Mathes Award for Graduate Teaching Excellence through the MU Sociology Department (2017), and the Honors Outstanding Faculty Award through the MU Honors College (2019). In 2020, he was recognized by the American Association of Colleges & Universities with the K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award. In addition to his teaching, Dr. Valentine coordinates the Honors College behavioral science sequence and co-directs the Missouri Scholars Academy, where he has been faculty since 2012.