Honors Course Evaluations

General Honors (GN_HON) Courses

The Honors College will launch the online evaluations for *all* General Honors courses through the Assessment Resource Center. Please leave time available during class for students to complete the evaluations before the end of the semester. Students will be able to easily access this evaluation through their mobile devices. If they lose the emailed link, they should navigate to http://evaluation.missouri.edu/ and log in with their PawPrint and password.

Once grades are posted, instructors will be able to log into http://evaluation.missouri.edu/ and download the Evaluation Report Summary.

Departmental Honors Courses

The Honors College provides a supplemental course evaluation for all departmental honors courses through Qualtrics. This eval does not replace the evaluation required by your department.

How it works: The Honors College will send instructors (via email) a Qualtrics link to four honors-specific questions to pass along to the honors students via email or Canvas. If you teach a cross-listed or blended honors course, please only distribute the evaluation to those students enrolled in the “H” section. The honors-specific questions are as follows:

  1. What was your favorite class day/topic? Why?
  2. Did this class meet your expectations for an honors course? Please explain.
  3. The instructor should be encouraged to teach this honors course again (agree/disagree, scale 1-5)
  4. Did you have any interaction with the TA for this course? If so, how do you feel the TA contributed to your experience in the class? (Only applicable to lab courses)

Students will be able to easily access this evaluation through their mobile devices. We recommend allotting time during class for students to complete both the regular course evaluation (as directed by your home department) as well as the supplemental honors evaluation through Qualtrics.

Note: Departmental/cross-listed courses with fewer than 5 honors students enrolled in that section will not be asked to complete the supplemental honors evaluation. 

After grades are posted, the Honors College will share the Qualtrics report summary with the instructor.

Please email Olivia Flagg-Bourke with any questions.