William Folk
Professor, Biochemistry
202D Schlundt Annex
Phone: (573) 882-4857
Email: folkw@missouri.edu
Department Page: See William Folk's Department Page
Dr. Folk served as chairman of MU Biochemistry Department (1989-2000), Senior/Associate Dean for Research, School of Medicine (2002-2007) and Interim Director of the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center. Folk trained at Stanford University with Nobel Laureate Paul Berg and his research interests have focused upon studies of gene expression and replication of tumor viruses and their hosts, of bacterial pathogens and of plants, resulting in over 160 peer-reviewed contributions. In recent years, Folk’s interests have been directed to the application of the science to global problems of environmental degradation/climate change, protection of biodiversity and healthcare. He currently teaches in the School of Medicine and the Honors College.
Regularly Offered Honors Courses
- GN_HON 1050H (Health and Environmental Sciences and Public Policy)