Documenting a Pandemic as it Unfolded: MU Students’ Experiences of COVID-19 in Fall 2020
Dr. Enid Schatz | School of Health Professions
Fall 2020 reshaped the college experience and had a huge impact on student life. Using data from a variety of sources (a survey, participant observation, interviews, and antibody testing) collected over the Fall 2020 semester at MU, we’ll explore students’ experiences of, and their beliefs and attitudes about COVID-19 and the university’s response.
Thursday, September 2nd | 12:00-1:00 PM
Zoom Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/99084785733?pwd=TlNZMHZoSS9qSVJmaUhjRUw0RVhMQT09
Meeting ID: 990 8478 5733
Passcode: 864213
The Way Liminal Time and Space Shapes Us
Dr. Tim Carson | Honors College
From rites of passage, to the cyclical seasons of nature, to unexpected chaos events, to social marginality, the liminal time and space that arises between the structure of what was known and the wholly unknown future is ambiguous, uncertain, disrupting and deconstructive. As such, the shadowy interval between here and there is both dangerous and strangely full of unseen potential. The future of individuals and groups is often determined by what transpires during that in-between, as old worlds pass away and new ones emerge.
Thursday, October 7th | 12:00-1:00 PM
Zoom Link:https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/91648322608?pwd=YkJMVHdLbE1wK2cycGJWdU5RSTFMUT09
Meeting ID: 916 4832 2608
Passcode: 675627
COVID and Carbon Dioxide: Can the World’s Pandemic Response Inform our Understanding of the Dangers of Climate Change?
Dr. Steve Keller | Chemistry
The short answer is, “It should, but I’m not optimistic.” We’ll explore some longer answers by comparing the actions of the scientific community, the rise of denialism and scapegoating, the further exposure of deep political divides, and the (false?) choice between sacrificing lives or sacrificing economies.
Thursday, November 4th | 12:00-1:00 PM
Zoom Link:https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/98432294056?pwd=RHJZK011N2pIK0JvTVRWbFNNUUg4Zz09
Meeting ID: 984 3229 4056
Passcode: 576585
The MU Student Army Training Corps and the 1918 Flu
Dr. Carolyn Orbann | School of Health Professions
The Student Army Training Corps was a national program instituted in the Fall of 1918 at colleges and universities across the country to help train future military men without forcing them to leave their college programs mid-semester. Though many of these men did not end up deployed due to the war’s end, the 1918 flu pandemic did circulate among the participants here at the University of Missouri. In this talk, I will examine the experience of this specific population as a case study of local importance, but also as a model for understanding heterogeneity in the spread of infectious disease. I will explain how different types of historical evidence can help researchers understand pandemics of the past and what that might help us learn about pandemics of the future.
Thursday, February 3rd | 12:00-1:00 PM
Zoom Link:https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/91469500062?pwd=SlBiRnpDOExIRWxyRmlLZEtPWHRRUT09
Meeting ID: 914 6950 0062
Passcode: 427016
Boko Haram: A Global Menace Around Lake Chad
Dr. Mamadou Badiane | School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The goal of this talk is to focus on the negative effects of the insurgency of Boko Haram (a violent extremist group) in the countries around Lake Chad and particularly in Cameroon where most of my research is focused. Obviously, we cannot talk about Boko Haram without evoking the conditions of its creation in the North of Nigeria
Thursday, March 3rd | 12:00-1:00 PM
Zoom Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/97764877619?pwd=aGR6bEpZZTM5WlVZQUl0THV4Zm1JUT09
Meeting ID: 977 6487 7619
Passcode: 830971
A Conversation with Dr. Bill Bondeson
Dr. Bill Bondeson | Honors College
There are teachers who teach students, teachers who mentor students and teachers who challenge students. But in the case of Dr. Bill Bondeson, he did all three in the 40+ years he was a philosophy and honors professor at MU. From medical ethics to philosophy to the Honors Humanities Sequence, he is a legend among honors students and faculty. Dr. Bondeson retired in May of 2011, but he joins us for a reflection on, well, everything.
Thursday, April 7th | 12:00-1:00 PM
Zoom Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/91470942602?pwd=Rkw4Lzh6NTRSdzRhOE5NUHFJVnR2UT09
Meeting ID: 914 7094 2602
Passcode: 130751
Honors Unlimited is sponsored by the MU Honors College and the William B. Bondeson Fund.
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