News, Page 27

Awards Ceremony Recognizes Students, Faculty

Each year, the MU Honors College celebrates high achieving students who have received scholarships, awards and fellowships at a spring awards ceremony. This year, graduating seniors and over 70 other students were honored in front of friends, family and members of the honors community. ASH Scholars, Show-Me Scholars, Discovery Fellows, Cherng Summer Scholars, and students…

Environmentally Friendly

Megan Tyminski, a junior majoring in science and agricultural journalism and minoring in sustainable agriculture, is one of just 50 students nationally to earn the Udall Scholarship this year.

Founders of Panda Express Give $1.5 Million to Mizzou Honors College

Gift from MU alumni will support scholarships and programs for high-achieving students

Unbound Opens Pathway Between Fiction and Reality

With the Unbound Book Festival, reading is no longer a solitary experience. This is especially true for honors students who participated in the university’s Unbound Tutorial.

Visualizing Abolition

Visualizing Abolition maps the suppression of the African slave trade by following the correspondence exchanged between the British Foreign Office, British commissioners, minister, and naval officers, and representatives of foreign governments around the world in the 19th Century.

Studying Abroad: A first-hand account

Senior Kate Hargis shares a report from the field to provide a glimpse into what life is like in The Hague.

A Trusted Adviser

Susan Geisert has seen thousands of students come through her door over the course of her 35-year career as an academic adviser.

Great Ambassadors

The Honors College Ambassadors represent a wide array of majors, backgrounds and corners of campus and act as the face of the Honors College.

Art Show

The Visual Art and Design Showcase featured MU undergraduate student art and design projects from Jan. 30 to Feb. 3 in Jesse Hall.

Making Waves

By teaching students how to produce radio journalism pieces, Making Waves, a new honors course, demonstrates the power of storytelling.